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Days 30

Finally! It's the last day of the challenge. I was afraid I wouldnt make it at first, as I have a tendency to quit in the middle of things. But I'm so happy that I persisted. And anyway, this feels like i am about to conquer the last boss in a quest. But yeah, after the final boss you have to look for another place, explore it and beat the boss again in that level. It is just so fulfilling to have some kind of sign thatyou are actually doing things and finishing it. What I learned in this challenge is that it doesnt has to be formal, or planned. Most of the time I just write what I want to write and it was what has sustained me in over the 30 days. There were times when I couldnt think of anything to write but would just go along writing anyway. There were times when I didnt write at all. Despite this, after another day I push myself to continue writing.  Back then, things have to be planned, what I have to say has to have a background, an  outline. And then, when I am about to
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Days 29

Thinking about building my funds and then I thought... There really has to be a time when I go on and face the music, to stop denying that everything is alright, and that I can simply do the things I want for such a long time. How did it come to this? For starters, things definitely got reset when I quit my former job and chose something closer to home. Then you realize that, compared to always being in the center of the action and attention, I am more inclined to being alone and writing things, the kind  I  always do these times. Before I knew it, I reverted back to the person I once was back in my student years, in my first job, the kind of person who is silent most of the time and would be shy and more reserved. With the exception of my friends in audit, many would believe me to be a shy, reserved boring type of girl. I dont blame them. What I learned is that it surely does take a lot from me to always be the laughing stock of all my friends, and to have the reputation that isnt rea

Days 28

Just a few more days. Lately, I feel like I always hear myself say this line. Like, in the past few months I am living from paycheck to paycheck, with only a few days only eager to wait for the next. Admittedly, I dont see any growth in my income, and I feel very frustrated about it.Right now is not any better. Only that, I only see what is presently happening. For example, this whole project has led me to 28 days of forcing myself to write even though I dont feel like it at times. There were days when the laziness just kicks in and I wouldnt even write for the day. The longest ditching dsy I had was for four straight days. Still, I pushed through. And now, when I am having this day where I want to just sleep, I am still here, writing. It has been a good 28 days. A lot has happened. just in this period I was able to clear two of my debts, and in a mionths time, I would be able to reach that emergency fund goal that I had initially planned, albeit all the little road blocks that seem to

Days 27

I got late again, but in all, it wasnt so bad. Only that they suddenly implemented the no tardiness policy which comes suspiciously because of my recent alling outs. Anyway, I got through the day. Good news is, my grandma continues to feel better and the doctors say that she will be released from the hospital tomorrow. This is really great news. Just this day, I came across an article on investing groups and I did not hesitate to join all of the groups mentioned there. And so I asked the question that has been bothering me all this time. I hope that I would get a great answer from this group. I have high hopes. On another hand, I think maybe it's time to sit around and form a strategy in light of the recent developments in work. I mean, I have always thought of quitting but this time I am already sure that I should quit by the time I finish my contract. I mean, I already have no bonds to pay and the only thing left is the contract. From my calculations, I still have nine months to

Days 26

This day may be the worse day yet. You know those days when everything around you just doesnt go your way? I've had the same experience of it today. While I always pray that everyday would be a great day, there is always that day when you feel that God just took a break on you and wouldnt listen to yoir needs, and allows you to suffer through that day. I know that wasnt his intention but then I cant help but feel that way after today.  To start the morning, I woke up an hour late just because we had a bad night with my grandmother in the hospital. Then I couldnt find a tricycle just in time, making me walk a couple hundred meters before I finally got one. That took a toll because it made me miss the last bus, making me on my own to look for any chance of a ride. After what seemed like half an hour, I was desperate enough to get on a very full bus, and I had to stand all the way all the while looking at the men who because of the hardships in life seemed to have forgotten the ways o

Days 25

My grandmother was suddenly rushed in the hospital, so I'll be quick about it.  Thankfully, she's doing fine now. But they still have to confine her and do some procedures on her but then the first four hours of panic is over. Now it's more on visiting and medications. I am thankful that it was just a mild stroke this time. You know, my dad also went in the same conditions but thankfully there were a lot of people to save her this time. Surprisingly, after I prayed to God I felt calm and stopped worrying. I only hope that I wont grow overconfident about this and always conclude that things will turn out fine because of God. Well, technically it does. But you know, I am still not ready to lose yet another member of the family. It's something that I pray to God for, that he will not allow things to suddenly happen unless I am consciously prepared for it. Still, in my dad's case I will never be actually prepared for it. Who would? Even so, the amount of support he sent

Days 24

Sunday again! And I dont have anything to say in particular. Oh well. I can just talk about my experiences in youtube. You know, back in the early 2004, when I just had enough internet speed to view youtube, it became my refuge from redundant TV shows. But then, the speed back then was too slow, that you really reserve your youtube viewing when there isnt anything else to do. The more smart way is to download it and watch it offline. These days, I dont have to do it, and so the amount of videos I download has gone down tremendously. And anyway, despite our reputation for having so slow of an internet speed, it has really come so far that I have long forgotten the days when I had to be patient and more resourceful if I ever want to watch something. If I need to download something. In fact, I rarely go to mirc anymore. And this is something because I can easily find it when looking in google. So then, I am thankful for it. But still, the times have changed where you have to be more skill